
I am a Generally Curious Character

Data scientist and overall learning enthusiast. I have a passion for machine learning which I frequently exercise across a spectrum of disciplines and applications. I have many interests and skills which I am able to effectively adapt and undertake projects in various disciplines. I have a deep interesting in deep learning and a strong desire to pursue quantum computing and quantum machine learning in the near future.

Ongoing Side Projects

QTC Nexus🔗 aims to bring together researchers from across the Quantum, Computational, and Theoretical Chemistry & Physics communities. We are developing a multi-functional literature-connectivity network analysis and visualization toolkit. We will host the application along with its built in user interface. To support the computation time/cost we hope to be awarded a grant through the Science Gateway program.

⦾ Collaborators from academia and industry aim to develop Quantum Mechanics Visualization Suite as a course companion for upper level physics undergraduates taking our team member's (a University Professor who first pitched this idea to me) Intro to Quantum Mechanics I & II courses.

Physics and Deep Learnings research. Initially we focused on applying deep learning in an unsupervised manner to simple quantum systems, namely those we dubbed Quantum Potential Neural Networks. Currently we are interested in investigating problems from statistical physics concerning, in particular critical phenomena in Ising and Ising-like systems.


Hindsight Technology Solutions  

Lead Data Scientist/Co-founder



C2 Lab LLC  

ML Consultant & Advisory Board Member







I mainly focus on machine learning research and development in the domain of natural language processing. I've created various recommendation engines for for many large and small news & media outlets in 6 differents languages and 10 countries across the globe.

I manage two junior data scientists on my team, and anywhere between 10-20 interns at any given time.
Our company placed 3rd overall at the NYC Media Lab 2019's featured a Demo Expo and Startup Pavilion competition thanks to the technology I was solely responsible for.

Consultant for algorithmic trading firm as they were looking to implement machine learning and NLP techniquesin order to improve their stock forecasting algorithm

Advised on general strategy for implementing NLP techniques.
Designed an algorithm that would learn stock performance indicators from a large number of news sources for a given stock. The algorithm is intended to forecast stock performance.
Instructed/guided data engineering team during development stage